Vestidos largos y monos
Ref. 51543
Vestido vueloWomen's flounced dressAbito gonna ruota
Ref. 51530
Vestido midi cuelloWomen's midi dressAbito midi
Ref. 51529
Vestido midi floresWomen's midi floral dressAbito midi floreale
Ref. 51528
Vestido largo lazosWomen's long dress with bowsAbito lungo fiocchi
Ref. 51633
Vestido madrina capitaMother of the bride dress with capeAbito madrina mantella
Ref. 51521
Vestido bicolorWomen's bicolor dressAbito bicolore
Ref. 51519
Vestido recto cortoWomen's short straight dressAbito dritto corto
Ref. 51513
Vestido flor centroWomen's flower dressAbito fiore centrale
Ref. 51512
Vestido mangas volantesWomen's flounces sleeve dressAbito maniche volant
Ref. 51510
Vestido pliegues floresWomen's gathered flower dressAbito drappeggiato fiori
Ref. 51509
Vestido capa plumasWomen's cape dressAbito mantella piume
Ref. 51508
Vestido asimetrico floresWome's asymmetric floral dressAbito asimmetrico fiore